domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

De Facto

File:DeFacto HowDoYouDub.jpg

De Facto - How do you dub? You fight for dub. You plug dub in

De Facto was a dub reggae band which included Cedric Bixler-Zavala, Omar Rodríguez-López, Isaiah "Ikey" Owens and Jeremy Michael Ward. How Do You Dub? You Fight for Dub. You Plug Dub In. is the debut album by De Facto, a side-project of At the Drive-In's Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Rodríguez-López. Isaiah "Ikey" Owens and Jeremy Michael Ward also contributed to the album.

  1. "Coaxial" – 1:43
  2. "Madagascar" – 3:02
  3. "Agua Mineral" – 2:04
  4. "Defacto" – 1:58
  5. "1024 1/2" – 0:27
  6. "Thick Vinyl Plate" – 3:04
  7. "Radio Rebelde" – 2:34
  8. "Nux Vomica/Coaxialreturn" – 4:20


De Facto - ¡Megaton Shotblast!

¡Megaton Shotblast! is an album by De Facto. Largely instrumental, the album pulls influence from various genres, including electronica, dub, reggae, and jazz.

  1. "Manual Dexterity" – 2:21
  2. "Cordova" (Live) – 10:17
  3. "El Professor Contra De Facto" – 4:59
  4. "Fingertrap" – 3:13
  5. "Descarga De Facto" (Live) – 8:18
  6. "Mitchel Edwards Klik Enters A Dreamlike State... And It's Fucking Scandalous" – 4:27
  7. "Thick Vinyl Plate" (Live) – 6:49
  8. "Coaxial" – 7:15
  9. "Simian Cobblestone" – 4:23
  10. "Rodche Defects" – 3:57

Légende du Scorpion à Quatre Queues cover

De Facto - Legende du scorpion a quatre queues

Légende du Scorpion à Quatre Queues (Legend of the Four-Tailed Scorpion) is the last album by De Facto.

  1. "Legend of the Four-Tailed Scorpion" – 3:02
  2. "Mattilious Creed" – 0:17
  3. "AMKHZ" – 3:16
  4. "Hoxadrine (Live)" – 8:58
  5. "Muerte Inoxia" – 3:48
  6. "Vesica Pisces (Live)" – 7:13
  7. "Cordova" – 5:16
  8. "120E7 (Original Version)" – 4:49
  9. "Exit Template" – 2:30

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